Check your text for plagiarism:

We have a limited search volume of 360 requests every 24h.
Below listed is the quote left for today.
Google Search Status Google (1000/1000)
Yahoo Search Status Yahoo (100/100)
Bing Search Status Bing (160/160)


Flesch Reading Ease:


Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level:
Gunning Fog Index:
Coleman-Liau Index:
Automated Readability Index:
Average Grade Level


Word Count: 0
Character Count: 0
Lexical Density:
Unique Words: 0
Complex Words: 0
Number of Paragraphs: 0
Syllable Count: 0
Sentence Count: 0
Characters Per Word: 0
Syllables per Word: 0
Average Sentence Length: 0

KEYWORDS is an online app to analyze texts and check them for plagiarism. Also, it analyzes sentences for flesch reading ease, grade levels and other lexical indicators. Plagiarism search uses multiple search engines to check if your input is either unique or plagiarized. Text that has been discovered to be identical with your input, will be marked with a color. It does not find smaller variations of a text but only exact matches and is limited to 360 search queries per day. At any time you can download a PDF report on text analytics, statistics and plagiarism check results. The site also includes academic templates for essay, thesis and dissertation writing, as well as information on proper citing and referencing. It is optimized for a minimum resolution of 1280x1024 and Google Chrome Browser. If you like this service, please use and share the link. Thanks! :) 

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